Malt-o-Meal Cereal Coco Roos, 11.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 16)

Malt-o-Meal Cereal Coco Roos, 11.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 16) Reviews

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Malt-o-Meal Cereal Coco Roos, 11.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 16) Feature

  • 5574222
The taste of cocoa abounds in our whole grain Coco Roos cereal. Coco Roos are made with wholesome corn and real cocoa, plus 12 essential vitamins and minerals. It takes the irresistible taste of cocoa and created a wholesome breakfast to make it easy for the chocolate-lover to get their recommended daily vitamins and minerals. We have doubled the amount of iron and folic-acid than Cocoa Puffs and also made it easier on your wallet. They are not just for breakfast, but also can be served as an after dinner treat with great peanut butter pie recipe.

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Sep 24, 2011 02:41:07


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